Electronics microprocessor lab manual

ECB ELECTRONICS AND MICROPROCESSORS LAB MANUAL ` BY www.doorway.ruH PRABHU,AP/ECE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING. 2 EC% 2 8 ELECTRONICS AND MICROPROCESSORS LAB L T P C 0 3 1 0 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS ELECTRONICS (;3(5,0( 15 1. VI Characteristics of PN Junction Diode 2. . Microprocesors Interfacing Devices Laboratory Department of Electronics Communication Engineering Program MULTIPLICAION OF SIGNED NUMBERS AIM: To multiply two signed numbers (8-bit data) using microprocessors. APPARATUS: 1. Trainer kit 2. Key board 3. SMPS PROGRAM CODE: MOV AX, MOV DS,AX MOV AL,[] NEG AL MOV .  · Take only the lab manual, calculator (if needed) and a pen or pencil to the work area. 5. Before coming to the lab, prepare the prelab questions. Read through the lab experiment to familiarize yourself with the components and assembly sequence. 6. Microprocessor Lab Manual. Download Microprocessor Lab Manual PDF/ePub or read online books in.

View Microprocessor LAb www.doorway.ru from EC 4 at Georgia Institute Of Technology. Department of Electronics Communication Engineering LAB MANUAL SUBJECT: Microprocessor www.doorway.ru Year – [EC. EE – Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - VEC b. 8 BIT DATA SUBTRACTION ALGORITHM: 1. Initialize memory pointer to data location. 2. Get the first number from memory in accumulator. 3. Get the second number and subtract from the accumulator. 4. 3. While coming to the lab bring the lab manual cum observation book, record etc. 4. Take only the lab manual, calculator (if needed) and a pen or pencil to the work area. 5. Before coming to the lab, prepare the prelab questions. Read through the lab experiment to familiarize yourself with the components and assembly sequence. 6.

BE MP Lab Manual. Dept. of ECE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Subtraction of two numbers using Microprocessor. It's more important for your study microprocessor lab manual department of electronics and communication engineering 27, knowledge greater noida. MICROPROCESSORS AND. APPLICATIONS. LABORATORY MANUAL (ECE - ). III/IV ECE SEM - I. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING.


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